Why see an Allergist in winter about spring allergies?

Woman Sneezing with hayfever.jpg

Seasonal allergies (like classical Hay Fever), can cause significant symptoms during the springtime.  These can include sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose and significant tiredness.  They are usually due to grass pollen in the air throughout spring.  Although often debilitating at the time,  when the season finishes, people feel well again until the next hay fever season.

You might ask why see an allergist in the winter for something that is not going to be a problem until the spring?

The reason is immunotherapy - an effective treatment for most seasonal allergies. This treatment is the closest thing to a cure, and has excellent results in appropriate patients.  However, it must be given in the "off-season" - before the hay fever season starts.  

April & May are really the last opportunity to start this treatment, so when hayfever season starts you will be fully prepared - and perhaps medication & symptom-free through the rest of the spring!

It is easy to perform Skin Allergy Testing now - and we can get you on the right preventative treatment before the hayfever symptoms hit!

Click here to make an appointment

For more information see below:

Hay Fever Symptoms

Allergy Immunotherapy