Food Allergy Symptoms


Food Allergy Symptoms

What is food allergy?

Food Allergy is a harmful or irritating immune response to a food that is harmless to most people. It should be accurately assessed to minimise risk and maximise quality of life.

Food Allergy is not the same as a food intolerance.  

What are the symptoms of food allergy?

Common symptoms included hives (urticaria), tingling in the mouth and diarrhoea or stomach pains. Concerning symptoms include swelling of the lips, tongue or throat (angioedema), shortness of breath or wheeze (acute asthma), dizziness or collapse and require immediate medical attention.

Food allergy symptoms usually occur within an hour of eating the food. 

How do you test for food allergy?

Common triggers in adults include seafood and nuts however people can be allergic to a wide range of foods.  Food allergy testing may help identify the cause and prevent further reactions.

Skin prick testing and blood tests are available to help diagnose food allergies.  A careful history of symptoms is required to choose the best approach.   A positive test, by itself, does not necessarily mean you have an allergy.    

What is the treatment for food allergy?

The best treatment for food allergy is to avoid the triggering food.

Severe food allergies need review by an allergy specialist.   We will provide important advice, action plans, and prescribe emergency treatments - including auto-injectors (e.g. EpiPen or AnaPen).

If you are attending our clinic please read these food allergy instructions.

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